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Introducing Our New Podcast: “Brewpoint Coffee: Unfiltered”

By Shaylin Fuller  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Introducing Our New Podcast: “Brewpoint Coffee: Unfiltered” - Brewpoint Coffee

We just made our first podcast ever, and we are so stoked.

With that news, we invite you to join a conversation that we’ve found ourselves devoting a lot of time to internally. Especially post-pandemic, we’ve noticed a pressing need to reimagine what it means to work in — and be a consumer of — the service industry.

Our discussion of reimagining the hospitality industry is split into two episodes, part one and part two. 

In part one, Melissa Villanueva, CEO & Founder of Brewpoint, discusses the responsibilities of business owners and operators in the creation of an ecosystem that welcomes both customers and team members alike. Though Brewpoint isn't perfect, you’ll learn about Melissa’s vision and what Brewpoint is doing now to get there sustainably and together. 


In part two, we explore “the issue” and go behind the curtain, or in this case, the counter, with Alex Orsi. Alex can be seen working as a “normal” barista, but also oversees the entire operation as Cafe Director. We hear how he navigages what sometimes feels like a battleground for service workers, especially after the burdens of the pandemic. Here’s the problem: service workers are often commodified and not humanized in the way every person deserves to be.


If you’ve worked a service industry job, we see you. And if not, take a listen and consider what expectations you have for enjoying time in spaces like coffee shops and restaurants. After an isolating year, it’s safe to say we’re all looking for a little food for our souls, whether that’s a barista that remembers your order, a tip that pays the bills, or just a smile and a little understanding. Follow along with us in our journey to reimagine hospitality to rebuild spaces that are enjoyable on all fronts.  

We would love to hear your thoughts on our first podcast and topics of interest for future episodes. Let’s carry on the conversation on our Instagram posts, or even send us a DM! (@brewpointcoffee). 

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