Stay at Home Order + Brewpoint Coffee
With another announcement, comes another opportunity to adapt. Like we have said before, our main priority is to our community/team and we are have been preparing for this moment as we truly believe the Stay at Home order is best for all of us.
With that said, here are the changes taking place at Brewpoint:
Plan for Here on Out
Starting Sunday, March 22nd Founders will move to WALK UP WINDOW ONLY. The walk up window is on Adele on the red brick side of the building. There is a door bell. You can pre-order and pick up here OR you can order at the window and wait for your order as long as no clustered lines are forming.
This is the best way to keep you safe, keep our team safe, AND keep Brewpoint drinks flowing to all the amazing supporters that have kept us afloat. And who doesn't like seeing these smiling faces??
Founders Walk Up Window Hours:
Monday-Friday: 7am-7pm
Saturday-Sunday 8am-6pm
Our roastery will operate Monday through Friday fulfilling online orders including shipping, free local delivery, AND pick up orders at our Founders location. Most coffee and care package orders will have 1-2 business day turnaround!
We are working tirelessly to create clean innovative approaches to not only keep our business alive but to keep us connected through coffee. Have you set up a digital coffee date yet? Every bit of connection keeps us going!
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